Step Three
Be sure that you have completed “step two” before doing this step. We are going to add contents to FreeDOS that is on your USB drive that you made in step two. Start up windows. You can leave the USB drive in the computer if you want. Just Don’t press the “F” key that puts you in the “boot device menu”. Just let windows start up normally. You can use some new contents for you USB drive. Something simple and easy to use. Now down load this file call “USB_PDP01.ZIP” here. This is an all menu and mouse drive display. Great for beginners that knows nothing about FreeDOS. Place it in a folder by it self and unzip it. Once it is all unziped, navigate to inside of the folder. Do “select all” (ctl-A) Then do “copy” (clt-c). Open the USB drive to the main directory and paste” (clt-v) the contents from the unziped file. There will be several files and several folders. Now you are done. Reboot the computer with USB drive and boot it as was shown in step two.